Friday, April 18, 2008

A beginning

Welcome! And to our international visitors, bienvenidos, velkommen, bienvenue, and a host of other words we are unable to pronounce.

With the very recent -- and, as of yet, "unofficial" -- release of Trigger, we thought it best to create a means to keep our legions (dozens?) of adoring fans apprised of what's going on.

While Trigger's "official" release day is not until May of 2008, it has had a "soft" release and is, in actuality, available through a number of reputable retailers, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders, and a number of others listed on our website.

Meanwhile, pre-production on disc 3 is taking place and shooting is slated to start in May and carry on through the summer.

Thanks for checking out the site and the blog. Come on back now and then for more information and updates!