Sunday, May 18, 2008

Scouting, pt. 3

Sunday meant a day of heading home, winding past the enormity of Crazy Horse and Mount Rushmore, past the trinket stores and rock shops and wood carvings that vie for attention against the natural beauty of the Black Hills. (No, we're not including any pictures of that. Though, it is tempting.)

With a trip to help some friends move in Huron, we rounded out the trip at over 1200 ticks on the odometer upon our return to Sioux Falls. Despite the seemingly endless drive through relentless prairie, we're anxious to return to the Hills and drink in the scenery. Oh. Yeah, and do some shooting, too.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Scouting, pt. 2

Day 2 in the wild, wild west found us in the vicinity of Igloo, SD, a former Army facility that is now all but abandoned. Amidst the buffalo, antelope, eagles, and rattlesnakes, we met the two folks living on the land, surrounded by buildings in various stages of disrepair. Turns out we were pretty small potatoes when it came to folks they've met in the media biz. Okay, maybe not small potatoes, but a distant fourth behind Tom Brokaw, Shia LaBeouf, and Sean Covel (producer of Napoleon Dynamite).

But regardless of the company, we found a fascinating and, at times, creepy landscape. The many tan-colored structures in the picture above are in actuality concrete buildings, as shown below. 

We were surprised to find out there were over 800 of these buildings on the land. Besides the hundreds of concrete structures, though, there were many, many other buildings there, including the large brick-and-glass depot-like structure below.

While our findings out there definitely intrigued us (with countless opportunities for Lost references), they didn't necessarily confirm our hopes that this might be an upcoming site for a shoot. Fortunately, we were a little more successful on our other venture for site location that day. 

Kids, don't try this at home.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Scouting, pt. 1

A weekend scouting trip to the western half of our state ("West River" to local blog visitors) has taken us through the Badlands (with stops both expected and unexpected) to Angostura Recreation Area. Make no mistake: they are "bad-lands." Or so a local, slow-speaking rancher would have us believe.

Of course, his explanation came after waiting for two hours for any sort of assistance in getting a stuck vehicle "unstuck" in the southern part of Badlands National Park. 

No, it doesn't really look stuck. But that doesn't mean it would budge. At all.

And if we'd opted for sitting still for two hours, we probably would have picked another location. In the meantime, it allowed for some "additional" shots for the podcast. Stay tuned for that.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

And they're off!

No. We're not talking about today's Kentucky Derby. We're talking about the Trigger Disc 3 derby. 

Shooting began today, May 3rd, and included a few shots for an upcoming Trigger.