Sunday, December 14, 2008

Volume 3

Hey. Hold on, now.

Before we get ahead of ourselves talking about Volume 4, we are obligated to tell you that Volume 3 will be released in just a few weeks!

Due out in January, Volume 3 features the first international footage found in Trigger. Captured in India in November of 2007, it drives a piece on starvation, and what that looks like between varied situations found in India and the excesses of the United States.

Check out that and four others on Volume 3!

In the meantime, the trailer will have to do. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Volume 4

The holiday season finds some past projects wrapped up like little presents and put away for good, and the production on Volume 4 lying ahead of us like a big present that our parents let us pick out. 

This fourth disc will find us exploring not just aspects of -- or challenges to -- faith, but more specifically, the one we put our faith in

While he is, to borrow an oft-used cliche´, the reason for the season, we hope to make the components of Volume 4 a bit more challenging than that simple reminder. We hope you'll stick around ('til, oh, August or so) to enjoy!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Trigger has made it... to eBay?

That's right, kids. You can buy Trigger from one of the world's largest online retail sites. Nevermind the fact that it says Trigger is a book. Or that the dollar isn't going quite as far against the pound as it used to.

Buy Volume 1 or Volume 2, and we promise it won't be overdubbed with Cockney English!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Get this show on the road

We were happy to get these pics from our pal Dave D., who busted out his iPhone to capture a few shots for us at the most recent YS Conference in Nashville. A Trigger trailer was featured on the big screen at the main sessions.

Special thanks to Dave P., as well, who was also in attendance (as seen below) and provided some encouragement to passersby perusing the Trigger display!

Thanks, Dave and Dave!